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TheFulcrum.Agency acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors are advised that our website may contain images and voices of people who have died
We consult to Aboriginal Land Councils and all levels of government on all aspects of the built environment.
We ensure that communities remain at the forefront of the decision-making process.
We draw on our skills in strategy, engagement and research to design and deliver buildings with impact.
Our team can assist with grant writing, supporting information for funding, or any other part of the ‘money story’.
Our SRODI tool calculates the social value of investments in the built environment.
In business and in life, we are continuously opening up conversations about where we want to place our energy, how we want to spend our time and where we want to make an impact. Equity is our fifth publication and a continuation of these conversations.
Physical copies can be purchased at TheFulcrum.Press. 100% of revenue generated through journal sales will be distributed to First Nations community projects through TheFulcrum.Fund.